Finding The “Why”

I read a subscription letter this morning from one of my favorite bloggers/writers. The blogger can write very well; he has even helped write a New York Times bestselling book. In his letter, he shared the idea that it is not necessarily important to know “how” to do things, but rather know the “why” we…

Belief Grounded In Truth Can Still Be Fragile

Sometimes I don’t care what people say about what I believe, other times I spend all day thinking about what someone said. Is it because I was offended that I can’t seem to turn off their words in my head? Or is it because what I believe is weak and needs strengthening? Or could it…

Sometimes I Don’t Know What Truth Is, Even If It Were To Hit Me On The Head

Truths are revealed by science, philosophy, religion, research, and through other various avenues. Truths get mixed up with opinions and sometimes facts. Who has the final say on truth? If put under the microscope, truth might be non-existent. Or are truths simply personal beliefs, varying from person to person? Truth might come out of the…

Article Review: Plan of a Peace-Office for the United States

An article titled “Plan of a peace-office for the United States” was first published by the Banneker’s Almanac in 1798 and written by Benjamin Rush. Benjamin Rush was a good friend to both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, he was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, opposed slavery, supported mass education of women and…